Mastering Costs
Mastering costs are $48.00 per hour. The total time depends upon the consistency and quality of your mixes. Usually, plan on from one-half hour to one hour per song. If the mixes are consistent, then the treatment of the first song will probably, with slight adjustments, be appropriate for the following songs as well. On the other hand, if the mixes vary widely it will take more time to make them work together. Stem Mastering will take a bit longer, depending on what problems have to be addressed. Payment in full is required before final delivery.
Mastering costs are $48.00 per hour. The total time depends upon the consistency and quality of your mixes. Usually, plan on from one-half hour to one hour per song. If the mixes are consistent, then the treatment of the first song will probably, with slight adjustments, be appropriate for the following songs as well. On the other hand, if the mixes vary widely it will take more time to make them work together. Stem Mastering will take a bit longer, depending on what problems have to be addressed. Payment in full is required before final delivery.